Better Call Saul, Adam’s cut: the finale without the white knighting

I hated the Better Call Saul finale. So I’ve change it. Get “Adam’s cut”, a much better version, without the white knighting.

(mostly) SPOILER-FREE part

You know how it is with movies and shows these days.

Wokism and white knighting everywhere.

The finale of Better Call Saul was no exception. I liked the show, but I hated the finale – and not only for the wokism. It was generally incoherent. They didn’t manage to tie up all the strings.

So, I changed it.

I couldn’t do much about the incoherence, but at least I removed the simping.


There’s a way in the VLC video player to have a playlist with start and end times. Using it, you can cut out parts, or even rearrange scenes.

Here’s my playlist:


I’m not giving a file, to ease worries about viruses etc. Just copy paste the few lines, paste them in a text editor, change the name of the file to your own finale episode filename (you must have it on a file), and save it as finale.m3u. The times are in seconds (For reference, my own copy has the “static” of the titles start at 05:55.450, i.e. 355.450″ in case you need to adjust the times in the file for your own copy.)

If you’ve seen the finale already, you can use my cut to show it e.g. to your children, and spare them the woke brainwashing.

Almost all the shows that go out nowadays are unwatchable due to their hard feminist political line. I expect the same with e.g. the upcoming Lord of the Rings adaptation. Why not do our own montage, and enjoy the story our way?

Now, is this kind of arbitrary?

Not really.

In many movies, you might have seen a later version come out, usually subtitled “Director’s cut”. This mean that the producer got to decide the original “cut”, i.e. editing, which includes the ending, contrary to the director’s wishes. So, the director redirected the scenes, added his own finale, and voila.

So think of my “playlist” as “Adam’s Cut”.

In fact, I propose we adopt this term for edited versions of films that do away with the gynocentric propaganda of the “me too” era. Considering practically all forthcoming productions are going to be chock full of woke propaganda, this might be the time to start a movement.

So, go ahead and do your own “Adam’s cut” of your favorite movie or series – where Adam, of course, is a reference to the first Man.


For the “Adam’s cut” of the Better Call Saul finale, I’ve done minimal editing, cutting out some parts. In the producers’ cut, Saul sacrifices himself for Kim, a cliché finale – in this and every other era, really. In the version I provide, he gets off lightly, as was his initial plan – and there is a hint that Kim might even wait for him to get out of prison. And we leave it at that.

Isn’t is much better than sacrificing himself for his accomplice, just because she’s a woman?


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